The 6th AAL Forum 2014 took place 9th -12th September, in the Palace of the Parliament – Bucharest, Romania. The AAL Forum is the annual platform for the increasing European AAL community to meet and discuss several topics, relevant for improving the AAL JP as well as the adoption of AAL solutions in the market. The motto for this years forum was ‘Broader, Bigger, Better – AAL solutions for Europe’.
The sessions where focussed on:
A – Deployment of AAL Solutions – thought to present ways for reaching out new markets, the benefits of creating appropriate alliances bringing together commercial, academic and healthcare stakeholders and involving end users and citizens in the design and development of solutions.
B – Broadening AAL – meant to set up, in the context of ICT based solutions for active and assisted living, the landscape of present and future ideas and ways to broaden the horizon of the AAL Program across Europe and beyond its borders.
C – Supporting projects to market – explores the following questions. What is the value proposition for this market and how can we arrive there? What are the market drivers and how can we make use of them? What economic and social impact do we expect and how do we measure it? What legal model (SME, Multi National, PPP, etc.) is best suited to impose this impact?
D – A glimpse of the future –aims to underline innovation as a key driver for projects and market success. It will focus on aspects of innovation eg, models and processes, as well as cultures and pathways. It sets out to inform, educate, advise and motivate participants at the AAL Forum 2014 to make the right choices for market success.
With more than 25 exhibitors and around 530 participants from all over Europe, the AAL Forum 2014 was an ideal event to promote projects, to network, to find new business opportunities and to participate in the official and major annual meeting of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme.
iHomeLab – Lucerne University of applied Arts & Sciences – Swiss Think Tank and Research Centre for Building Intelligence, joined the forum and presented the actual AAL projects on a large booth and with several presentations. AAL project was prominently presented with well received exhibits, prestenting the current state of the software live and a project flyer. The project attracted a lot of audience and facilitated networking and interesting discussions.